May 3, 2009




on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items

delay 0.2

set this_folder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Downloads:Extract:"

set target_folder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Movies:"

set fileList to {}

set fileList to my recursiveSearch(fileList, this_folder)

tell application "Finder"

repeat with aItem in fileList

if name extension of aItem is in {"avi", "wmv", "srt", "idx", "sub", "mkv"} then

if aItem exists then

move aItem to target_folder

end if

end if

end repeat

end tell

end adding folder items to

on recursiveSearch(theList, currentFolder)

tell application "Finder"

set theList to theList & (every file of currentFolder)

set folderList to (every folder of currentFolder)

repeat with newFolder in folderList

set theList to my recursiveSearch(theList, newFolder)

end repeat

return theList

end tell

end recursiveSearch


使用方法是把它放到root/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts里, 然后绑定在一个文件夹上, 这样有文件改动的时候就会触发


--script to find empty folders and delete them

set pathoffolder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Downloads:Extract:"

--change folder here

tell application "Finder"

repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of pathoffolder)

if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 or ((count items) of oneFolder is 1 and name of item 1 of oneFolder is ".DS_Store") then delete oneFolder

end repeat

end tell


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