June 9, 2007

Time Machine & ZFS

<> 恩...首先是名词释义 Time Machine: (From Apple China,有Video哦...
Time Machine。备份的巨大飞跃。 你会定期备份你的系统吗?如果拥有备份系统更好的方法你就会。利用Mac OS X Leopard 和Time Machine,你不仅可以不费吹灰之力备份和保存 Mac 上的任何东西(包括珍贵的数码照片、音乐、电影和文档),还能按时间返回,恢复你曾经备份的所有内容。
ZFS: (From Wikipedia, Proxy needed...)
ZFS is a file system (a method of arranging data on computer storage) originally created by Sun Microsystems for the Solaris Operating System. The features of ZFS include high storage capacity, integration of the concepts of filesystem and volume management, a novel on-disk structure, lightweight instances, and easy storage pool management. ...
    The ZFS copy-on-write model has another powerful advantage: when ZFS writes new data, instead of releasing the blocks containing the old data, it can instead retain them, creating a snapshot version of the file system. ZFS snapshots are created very quickly, since all the data composing the snapshot is already stored; they are also space efficient, since any unchanged data is shared among the file system and its snapshots.

    Writable snapshots ("clones") can also be created, resulting in two independent file systems that share a set of blocks. As changes are made to any of the clone file systems, new data blocks are created to reflect those changes, but any unchanged blocks continue to be shared, no matter how many clones exist.


    事情的由来是Sun的某位大佬在公开场合宣称下周Apple的WWDC上就会宣布Leopard的主文件系统将会是Sun的ZFS,一时间坊间哗然...自然,口无遮拦的结果还是Marketing的来撑腰- -,于是一天后便又出现辟谣,仅仅是Future Version,不一定是Leopard拉...

    不管是不是Leopard,Apple和ZFS有一腿这件事情应该是空穴来风的- -只是不知是10.5小支持一把,并且不能Boot,还是要等到OX XI面世的2020年才露个小脸...毕竟Apple一向以使用各种先进技术自居。这件事其中比较让人上心的还是当年Jobs大大吹嘘过的Leopard的Time Machine自动备份功能,因为它相形上就很这个ZFS很合啊...不同版本的SnapShot都被保存在硬盘上,而其中相同的部分又可以指向相同的物理区块...恩...听上去很节约空间的说,难道这就是传说中“备份的巨大飞跃”??

    之前群众们在讨论Time Machine的时候就很关心效率的问题...一般用户都只用一个硬盘,而且用的都很足...尽管Windows很早就有了内建的自动备份工具,但是貌似默认都不敢打开- -我好不容易买了个200G的硬盘还非让我只能用100G,太过分了吧...如果那个叫ZFS真能解决了空间利用率的问题,那倒还真是个切实可用的实时备份方案了。

    当然少不了泼冷水的,群众们尖锐的指出之前版本的Leopard开发版本中就已经有了Time Machine了,而ZFS支持到还是最近的版本才加进去了,并且暂时还自启动不可,还是需要个HFS+来引导然后挂载...所以说两者应该没有多大联系...

    好吧...不管怎样,还是挺期待下周一 WWDC上Jobs能弄出点超科技来的,现在市面上多的都是似曾相识的东西,你看别人微软都在做Surface Computer了,你的Top Secret总要比微软强一点吧...

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